250/365 The Impermanence Of/In All Things

The Impermanence Of/In All Things guided meditation has been especially created to commemorate the Bicentennial Birth of The Báb. The meditation technique it uses primarily focuses on visualization, otherwise known as awareness based meditation.

Meditation was Inspired By the Follow Baha’i Writings

“Whenever you see tremendous personal problems in your private lives, such as those the parents of … have been called upon to face, you must remember that these afflictions are part of human life; and, according to our teachings one of their wisdoms is to teach us the impermanence of this world and the permanence of the spiritual bonds that we establish with God, His Prophet, and those who are alive in the faith of God. You must always remember that the Manifestations of God, Themselves, were not immune to suffering of the most human nature; and that from the hands of their relatives, they drank the bitterest potions, Bahá’u’lláh even being proffered poison by His half-brother, Mírzá Yaḥyá. Beside their afflictions, our afflictions, however terrible for us, must seem small in comparison.

Regarding your personal affairs, the Guardian will pray that your cherished hopes may be fulfilled; and that the way may open, if you both desire it, for you to serve together the Faith you are so deeply attached to. Never lose heart, and always remember that the power in this Cause is of a nature not understood or accessible to those who have not our faith in Bahá’u’lláh.”

Shoghi Effendi, Unfolding Destiny

Letter of 10 February 1951

Artist credit: Ania Telfer  (instagram: @aniatelfer) click on photo to link to her personal website“Celestial Lioness”, 48x48”,mixed media on canvas, 2019

Artist credit: Ania Telfer (instagram: @aniatelfer) click on photo to link to her personal website

“Celestial Lioness”, 48x48”,mixed media on canvas, 2019

Additional Quotes on the Baha’i Writings About Impermanence

O SON OF BEING! If thine heart be set upon this eternal, imperishable dominion, and this ancient, everlasting life, forsake this mortal and fleeting sovereignty.” - Baha’u’llah- (Hidden Words Part I Arabic #54)

“Wert thou to hearken unto the melodies of this mortal Bird, then wouldst thou seek out the eternal and undying chalice and renounce every fleeting and perishable cup. Peace be upon him who followeth the way of guidance!” - Baha’u’llah- (Seven Valleys)

“The purport is this, that we are all inhabiting one globe of earth. In reality we are one family, and each one of us is a member of this family. We must all be in the greatest happiness and comfort, under a just rule and regulation which is according to the good pleasure of God, thus causing us to be happy, for this life is fleeting.” - ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá (The Promulgation of Universal Peace)

“The vicissitudes of the age encompass friend and foe alike. It is not the fate of mortal man ever to attain unto tranquillity of heart and soul. For this reason, one must not attach importance to the changes and chances of the fleeting days of life; rather, he should arise to perform whatsoever it behoveth and beseemeth him to do, irrespective of whether he be reposing upon a couch of ease or threatened by the sword of his enemy.” - ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá (Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks)

Audio Recordings of the BMP Meditations

Each voice recorder (and all other contributions) of the Bicentenary Meditation Project have contributed their individual time and energy free of charge, without whom this entire community-led project would not have been possible or come to life. It is truly the result of the colossal global effort of individuals who have contributed to the commemoration of the Bicentenary Birth of the Bab with a joyful, willing and radiant heart - which also happened to be the only prerequisite of submitting to the Bicentenary Meditation Project!

As soon as we received the meditations, which included contributions from all around the world, from individuals with different skillsets, spoken language, age groups, professions, technological capacities, accessibility to internet etc, we would send all the received audio meditations of varied qualities to our Sound Engineers Jarome Mathew and Fei Hou (侯非) to create a cohesive experience for the listener, which was truly a labour of love worth mentioning in itself!

Click on the live link for the full Project Contributors List, which includes the full contributions & categories of each unique contributor - for those who granted us permission to include their names.

Meditation Script

The Bicentenary Meditation Project is a community karma-yoga (service/free oriented) celebratory project and resource bank, which provides free meditations and their corresponding meditation-scripts based off of the Sacred Writings and Teachings of The Bab & Baha’u’llah for world-wide dissemination and use.

The purpose of the meditations are used primarily to draw a closer spiritual connection through the Manifestations of God to God.

One of the primary principles that The Bab & Baha’u’llah proclaimed is the Oneness of Humanity and how interrelated we are.

As host and coordinator of the project, Yoga Avec Moi would like to kindly request for those who will be downloading the meditations scripts, to used them in circumstances with the utmost dignity, reverence and respect for the Sacred Teachings and Personage of The Bab & Baha’u’llah.

You have permission to use them in devotionals, prayer gatherings, children’s virtues classes, junior youth animator gatherings, meditation classes & retreats, Hatha, Yin, Vinyasa yoga classes and retreats.

If you would like to use them in contexts that have not been mentioned above, please drop us a line at yogiavecmoi@gmail.com to say hi and to double check if in doubt that it would be appropriate.

This is primarily run on an honorary role basis, we have deep love in serving and providing for humanities spiritual needs, we ask that in return you respect our wishes to hold the Personages and Sacred Teachings of The Bab & Baha’u’llah with reverence and utmost dignity .

DOWNLOAD The Impermanence Of/In All Things Meditation Script

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How to help with the Bicentenary Meditation Project?

If you wish to participate in the content creation of it as either voluntarily providing the following,
1. Guided Meditation
2. Artistic image (painting drawing for meditation cover art)
3. Photography (nature or Holy sites for meditation cover art)

Please CLICK HERE further submission details, or look at the bullet options below for.

Contact us at meditationsofbbobb@gmail.com for any questions or more information.

Follow the day to day progress, updates, notifications on our hosts instagram account @yogaavecmoi (check out the instagram highlights icon in the instagram bio ‘birthday’, ‘bicentenary’, “BMP”, “BMPYoutube” tabs for previous updates on the project)