*34/365 Hidden Word #8 Part I Arabic Children's Meditation (AGE 4-7)

There is no peace for thee save by renouncing thyself and turning unto Me; for it behooveth thee to glory in My na'me, not in thine own; to put thy trust in Me and not in thyself, since I desire to be loved alone and above all that is.

- Baha’u’llah -

Photo credit: Farzam Sabetian (instagram: @farzam09) click on photo to link to his personal website

Photo credit: Farzam Sabetian (instagram: @farzam09) click on photo to link to his personal website


THIS is that which hath descended from the realm of glory, uttered by the tongue of power and might, and revealed unto the Prophets of old. We have taken the inner essence thereof and clothed it in the garment of brevity, as a token of grace unto the righteous, that they may stand faithful unto the Covenant of God, may fulfill in their lives His trust, and in the realm of spirit obtain the gem of divine virtue.”

- Baha’u’llah   -

 (Prelude to the Hidden Words)

The Hidden Words is a collection of meditational verses exploring the eternal relationship between God and man. Composed by the founder of the Baha’i Faith, Baha’u’llah (November 12th, 1817 - May 29th, 1892)  about the year 1858 as He walked, wrapt in contemplation beside the River Tigris in Baghdad, Iraq where He was exiled (1853-1863). 


*If you would like to participate in the content-creation of the first-ever free guided meditation resource bank (365 meditations) on the Baha’i Sacred Writings, please put your first and last name in the “volunteer name” column (Arabic Part I AND/OR Persian Part II) beside the Hidden Word or Words that most speak to your soul and highlight it yellow if you would like to create a children’s meditation.

You do not need to be a professional ‘anything’ to contribute to this project (e.g meditation/yoga teacher etc). You are welcome to record as many as you feel moved to, 3 to 5 meditations per voice is preferred, although any number (above or below that number) is MOST welcome.

Since the Baha’i Faith has no prescribed method of meditation, we will borrow one from yoga philosophy to guide our project with some direction.

In yogic philosophy, there is an idea that each personality type requires a particular type, voice or tone of meditation or guided meditation. Therefore, we hope to provide a variety of voices, young (children) & old, different cultures & languages, by showing the breath of different accents in english and in other languages, as many varieties as are willing to contribute with a joyful, radiant and willing heart, and to cast that net out to the widest audience possible - this, we hope will additionally reflect a principle of Baha’u’llah, the oneness of mankind. 

Your task will be simple, write or edit a children’s meditation script with a Hidden Word of your choosing (sample meditation scripts provided below) that does not already have a name with a yellow background (indicating the children’s meditation series) by putting the child’s and the parents name in the volunteer signup sheet (Arabic Part I AND/OR Persian Part II) and then record it. 

STEP ONE: You are welcome to use and work off of (copy and paste it in a separate word document), in its identical form or make any edits of your personal flavor, touch, taste or style with the new Hidden Word or Words of your choosing. 

  1. Hidden Words Part I Arabic #8 (Children’s Hidden Words Series - AGE 4-7) 

  2. Hidden Words Part I Arabic #40 (Children’s/Youth Hidden Words Series - AGE 8 and 15)

*Note - the meditations scripts above are quite different (particularly depending on the age group), depending on how old the voice recorder is, please use the corresponding meditation script and time limit as suggested.

Once you have saved your edited new children’s meditation script with new Hidden Word chosen, please also attach a copy to the google signup sheet as a link for full reference (as well as send us a copy via E-mail at meditationsofbbobb@gmail.com).

We are not only hoping to provide an audio meditation resource bank, but also a children’s meditation script resource bank for parents, teachers etc as a resource for future use to conduct the meditations live if desired.

STEP TWO: Record it in either wav (prefered - higher quality), or mp3 file and send the

1. Meditation Script

Label it with: BMP_HiddenWordsScritp_[Hidden Word Part (Arabic Part I / Persian Part II) & No.Hidden Word]_[Language of the Meditation]

e.g BMP_HiddenWordsScript_Part I Arabic #8_ENGLISH

2. Audio Recording (wav or mp3)

Label it with: [Hidden Word Part (Arabic Part I / Persian Part II) & No.Hidden Word]_[Language of the Meditation]_[Name of the Meditation Voice Recorder: First & Last Name]

e.g Persian Part II #40_English_Nahal Haghbin

3. and your instagram handlebar (if you have one) 

to meditationsofbbobb@gmail.com

These meditations will be added to Bicentenary Meditation Project Blogs, Instagram Account, Spotify & Itunes podcast accounts. We require you and your child’s full name for the “Projects Contributors List” of the project and your instagram handlebar to be tagged in our posts related to each meditation.

You are most welcome to also include photos of the content creation process, behind the scenes shots as well to meditationsofbbobb@gmail.com e-mail, as people enjoy to know who is behind the voice! We would be uploading these behind the scenes photos across our social media accounts.  

The Bicentenary Meditation Project is fortunate to have a sound engineer volunteer to help us with the project, we ask that you strive your best to make a recording with the highest quality you have access to, preferably several takes for the children, so we can make sure to have the best audio quality.


At the moment, our Children’s Hidden Word Meditation Series will only be done in English.


Once you have put your name down on the Hidden Word, please submit the meditation scripts, audio recordings and your instagram handlebar within a weeks time to the meditationsofbbobb@gmail.com.

If you are not able to complete it within a week (7 days), please send us an e-mail at meditationsofbboobb@gmail.com letting us know and we will reserve the making of that particular Hidden Words for you, as we know that each person will resonate with certain Hidden Words more so than others :)

Our next (and hopefully last) batch of meditations are being sent to the Sound Engineer on September 23rd.

* Please choose the Hidden Words provided from Shoghi Effendi, found on the Baha’i Reference Library, the Authoritative Baha’i Writing Library to find out more information regarding the Baha’i Sacred Writings. 

*** Please do not edit any other contents in the following files below other than adding your name to the list, thank you in advance!





Hidden Word Part I ARABIC SIGN UP SHEET (71)

Hidden Word Part II PERSIAN SIGN UP SHEET (82)


Follow the day to day progress, updates, notifications on our hosts instagram account @yogaavecmoi (check out the instagram highlights icon in the instagram bio ‘birthday’ & ‘bicentenary’ tabs for previous updates on the project)

Join our Yoga Avec Moi Newsletter for weekly updates on the Bicentenary Meditation Project on the footer of the page!