Day 6/19 Purification Series - The Sacred Heart

Ischemic heart disease, as an example, is a narrowing of the arteries which means less blood and oxygen reaching the heart muscles.

If someone has betrayed you, and your heart literally shuts it self down as a form of protective mechanism, shielding from the pain of betrayal (natural of course), and continues to remain that way without a form of release, a form of forgiveness (not natural), the heart remains with constricted, choked levels of blood supply to your heart.

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Day 5/19 Purification Series - Personal Will Power

Vampires are a folklore creature that live off of other people’s blood.

Symbolically representing the archetype of that to regular humans, are people who live off the power of others, the life-force of another.

The first place that people will exercise this ‘taking’, is from your personal will power center, they will make you give it to them, control you by withholding love or affection to kowtow to their will to get what they want - sound familiar?

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Day 4/19 Purification Series - Sex Creativity Passion Romantic Relationship

Five Female Organs Every Woman Should be In Communication With The Uterus Part I

Everything you Ever Wanted to Know about How Integrative Yoga Therapy can Help Your Romantic Relationship Part I

Everything you Ever Wanted to Know about How Integrative Yoga Therapy can Help Your Romantic Relationship Part II

Everything you Ever Wanted to Know about How Integrative Yoga Therapy can Help Your Romantic Relationship Part III

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Day 3/19 Purification Series - Family Tribe

According to the yogic philosophy, we choose our families according to our highest spiritual growth. Note, that I just said for highest spiritual growth and not for comfort.

The gender that is accorded to you is directed for your parents highest spiritual growth. Likewise, the order and gender of the children are no accidents and are for the very purpose of both the individual and familial spiritual growth and conducive to the individuals soul mission.

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Day 2/19 Purification Series - Consistent Prayer & Meditation

The only difference that separates you from a monk might be the consistency, and perhaps length, of how you meditate and pray.

If you think about that it’s actually quite profound.

Consistency, meaning frequency, as well as length of earth time, mines your spirituality.

Having a daily practice of reading spiritual writings from any of the Nine Great Religions, would suction your heart to the divine realms, guaranteed, if you are actually present whilst reading it, and you maintain a radiant and joyful heart - yes there are prerequisites to the guarantee as well!

Why is it that writings from the Nine Great Religions give you that heart vortexing that regular words don’t?

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