How do busy moms hold space and develop a daily meditation practice?

According to the Yogic definition, meditation is as simple as having a single pointed focus. This single point of focus, could be just about anything. The requirements of the environment could be just about anything that allows you a conducive space to maintain that point of focus – this is different for everybody. 

For example, you could focus on the water running down from the tap when your washing your hands, on the water when it enters your mouth, on swallowing the water down your throat, each and all, are aspects of that single pointed focus that ones attention could be focused on. The object of focus, in this case, is thewater itself

Although water running from the tap is not a great example, cause we don't really want to be focusing for too long on it going down the drain, eh? Meaning with the whole being environmental friendly and conscious aspect, cause if the purpose of meditation is to build conscious awareness, the means of meditation itself, must of course, be coherent with the efforts of building that conscious awareness itself. 

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How I decided to become a Yoga Teacher?

Spending an entire month in Bali, Indonesia in July 2016 for a Yoga Teacher Training was life changing to say the very least. 

I don't think I knew what I was getting my self into, I was just super excited that it somehow happened to be ok for me to leave my full time job in academia for an entire month. The stars aligned that my boss also took a month off during that same month, and the rest was history.

One of my office mates was teaching yoga at the Public Health School in Singapore. For about a year, I was intermittently talking to her about her yoga teacher training, where she did it, how it was etc, as I had been thinking about it for the past 2 years. I didn't end up going to a single one of her classes UNTIL I had already agreed to take over her classes once she got pregnant - which is when it all started.

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Tablet of the Wondrous Maiden

"The hallowed Beauty shone resplendent from behind the veil.

How wondrous a thing, how wondrous indeed!

And, lo, the flame of rapture caused all souls to swoon away.

How wondrous is this, how wondrous indeed!

Rising up, they soared unto the blest pavilion ’neath the throne of heaven’s canopy.

How wondrous a mystery, how wondrous indeed!

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Warrior & The Little Boy 

Once a upon a time there was a young boy

Who lived in a (little) box that looked like a toy

Though embroidered with colourful patterns and flowers

The box unfortunately had no special powers

He fit perfectly in the box from his head to his toes

So compact and perfect and protected from foes

He was safe and sound as long as he stayed in the box

If he ventured around he could be eaten by a fox

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