3/365 95 Glorified be God The Lord of Splendor and Beauty

Mortal charm shall fade away, roses shall give way to thorns, and beauty and youth shall live their day and be no more. But that which eternally endureth is the Beauty of the True One, for its splendor perisheth not and its glory lasteth forever; its charm is all-powerful and its attraction infinite. Well is it then with that countenance that reflecteth the splendor of the Light of the Beloved One! The Lord be praised, thou hast been illumined with this Light, hast acquired the pearl of true knowledge, and hast spoken the Word of Truth.

- ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá

Photo credit: Farid Bidardel (instagram: @faridbidardel)*All photos were generously donated to the Bicentenary Meditation Project. Click on the photo for more of Farid Bidardel’s work.

Photo credit: Farid Bidardel (instagram: @faridbidardel)

*All photos were generously donated to the Bicentenary Meditation Project. Click on the photo for more of Farid Bidardel’s work.

“God hath exempted women who are in their courses from obligatory prayer and fasting. Let them, instead, after performance of their ablutions, give praise unto God, repeating ninety-five times between the noon of one day and the next “Glorified be God, the Lord of Splendor and Beauty.” Thus hath it been decreed in the Book, if ye be of them that comprehend.” - Bahá’u’lláh The Kitáb-i-Aqdas

Why 95 Times?

In the book ‘Gate of the Heart’ by Nader Saiedi, he explains that the significance of the number 95 originates from the Persian Bayán, where the Báb states that ninety-five stands for the numerical value of "for God" (lillāh), symbolizing the recognition of the manifestation of God and obedience to his laws, which are inseparable from each other, as confirmed by Bahá'u'lláh in the opening paragraph of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas.

The 95 Glorified be God The Lord of Splendor and Beauty meditation is a meditation that includes the repeated sacred word of “Glorified be God, the Lord of Splendor and Beauty” in English 95 times.

It has been created for women who sometimes may not even have the energy or strength to say it aloud as they wish during their course. Through playing this meditation and listening to it intently, they may continue their daily spiritual obligatory practices with assisted, yet enhanced, focused attention.