Bicentenary Meditation Project Mandarin Meditations Summary List

The Bicentenary Meditation Project has 400+ free meditations on the Baha'i Sacred Writings, 163 of which are in Mandarin, 133 of which a meditation script is available. The Mandarin meditations were contributed by 35 people, ranging from 1 -15 meditation contributions and types in children's meditations (*2), Sacred Writings (156) and Yoga Nidra (4).

Yoga Nidra (4)

  1. 17/365 (MANDARIN 中文) Alláh-U-Abhá Yoga Nidra 纪念双百诞辰“阿拉胡-阿卜哈”放松术

  2. 18/365 (MANDARIN 中文) The Greatest Name Symbol Yoga Nidra 纪念双百诞辰 “至大圣名”放松术

  3. 19/365 (MANDARIN 中文) Baha'i Ringstone Symbol Yoga Nidra 纪念双百诞辰 “天人合一,显圣双璧” 放松术

  4. 20/365 (MANDARIN 中文) Baha'i Five Star Symbol Yoga Nidra 纪念双百诞辰 “巴哈伊五芒星” 标志放松术

Hidden Words (Children’s Meditation #*391 & #*392)

Organized by Hidden Words Numbers

Organized by Meditation Number on the Bicentenary Meditation Project