Back Story of Bicentenary Meditation Project

Nahal Haghbin spontaneously created 19 days of meditation for the Baha’i Fast during the Bicentenary Year of the Birth of Baha’u’llah March 2-20, 2018. Done with little to no planning, but with a heart filled with love for the Central Figures of the Baha’i Faith, and a deep and urgent desire to contribute to the world-wide celebration of the Bicentenary Birth of the Baha’u’llah with her own unique talents and abilities as a yoga teacher, the meditations were thought of and announced a day before the Baha’i fast, posted daily (sometimes late opps!), yet nonetheless was joined by 257 participants from 15 countries and 41 cities - a number that none other than the Power and Attraction of Baha’u’llah could generate in such a short period of time.

People from remote and isolated locations tuned in and shared heart felt stories about their inability to be apart of an integral community and enjoyed fasting together in the Bicentenary Year of the Birth of the Baha’u’llah through meditations with others online, one shared that they had disabilities that made it otherwise impossible to read the Baha’i Sacred Writings on their own and were grateful that they were read aloud, others had never been guided through meditations on Divine Figures and had enjoyed their experience in connecting with Them in a new way!

“For indeed if though dost open the heart of a person for His sake, better will it be for thee than every virtuous deed; since deeds are secondary to faith in Him and certitude in His Reality.” - The Bab

Thoroughly inspired by the stories and needs that were shared from the Baha’i Fast Meditations, Nahal felt that these meditations needed to continue (and will continue for the 2019 Baha’i Fast), on a larger scale, but of course, this time, with much more preparation, voices and languages other than her own. Coupled with the realization that the official Bicentenary Birth of Baha’u’llah website did not have contributions of meditations in celebration of Him from around the world, an additional project was timely to be birthed.