Yoga Avec Moi

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3 Reasons Why you should KonMari Your Home Before Your Baby Arrives Part II

continued from Part I

Thumbnail image by @tonyahurter, model @thesproutandflower

2# Your house will remain tidy 

Something that I was personally really skeptical about the KonMari method before trying it, is that the author claims that once you KonMari your home, it will remain tidy. She has never had a repeat customer. That, I felt like was an oversell. 

But it has been the truest thing I have EVER experienced!

Only after totally tidying my room exactly the way the book illustrated, did I realize that when I came home from work, I had minimal time spent re-cleaning up my room before relaxing or making dinner. It literally took me 5 minutes to tidy up. All this time saved! I wondered how much time I wasted before, and how could I now live in any other way?

When a baby comes into your life, the last thing that you are going to have time for is cleaning and re-cleaning the house. You are going to be tired, and I’ll add in just a dash of feeling shattered physically, energetically and mentally, it comes with the occupational hazard of being a parent! Oppsie! I said it! The last thing I want you to worry about is having to take care of your house with everything else that is going on.

Therefore, you need a system of tidiness in place that works so well, that it will permanently stay that way, even when your kids arrive to this world, in fact, it could be something that you could educate your kids about from the get-go when they’re a little older! How cool! 

If you don’t believe me, as I didn’t believe the KonMari method, KonMari your house before your baby arrives months before, and JUST SEE how fantastic it is for just you and your partner/husband alone. 

Not to mention the amount of energy it is going to save you during your pregnancy, which is when you’re gonna want to nest, rest and digest. But, with the thought of the baby coming and all, it’s unlikely that you’re going to get a full nesting period if you feel like the house is not in order, especially if you already got a toddler in the house! Eliminate that as a potential worrisome thing because you totally have control over it. I guarantee that it will monumentally change the way you buy baby clothes or organize your nursery too – every KonMari practice has monumental impacts outside the actual confines of the book!

3# Everything you own will have it’s own home – including your baby’s things!

Another one of the principles in the KonMari method, although not mentioned in the major 6 rules, is that everything you own should have a ‘home’, essentially be given a ‘space’ to live and exist. A great way to clear out some clutter to make room for the babies things!

I already know that you will have absolutely no problem with creating a nursery, buying a cot, or any of the necessities for your new life-to-be. Yet, I bet there is little, to no thought, about what you are going to do with hanging up your clothes in your closet when your baby comes? The thought like flies right by you - obviously given the priority of the baby~

But what do you think is going to take time far down the line and energy away from you, like when you are breast-feeding the child? Of course you are going to deal with the survival things first, but you are going to worry about the pile of clothes you have left to fold. You may, like many other mamas, feel like you haven’t accomplished anything in the house when the day ends and house is a mess, despite the fact that your baby is still living happy and healthy, all of that is going to go out of the window for you in the moment when you see your house in a disaster, it’s just harder to up keep that positive perspective when you are already so tired and exhausted !

Part of the yogi lifestyle is having a calm and collected environment to facilitate your mood! My job is avoid you from feeling any guilt or shame at all costs, if you spend just a couple weeks before hand with this method, I guarantee it will be one less major thing to worry about. 

In the end, all disorders of anything in the house is going to eat at your physical and mental energy, so if you can eliminate that from the beginning of your parenthood, then GREAT! That’s one thing out the window and taken cared of: CHECK!

Do it please. 

In order to facilitate the FULL envisioning of this new ideal life for you! I have created a meditation to imagine your Ideal life, that far surpasses the conceptual idea of it, but also gets you to envision the feelings, the thoughts, and the way you would observe your life from a distance, basically every angle of life that is relevant to your health and wellbeing. I guide you through the five layers of the human body to imagine your ideal life style~ A great way to get out of a funk if your in one! Visit our shop to find out more!

Leave a comment below for those who have tried the KonMari Method! Yoga Avec Moi would love to hear your experience! Was there anything in the book that you found particularly difficult to put into practice when you started doing it?


Nahal Haghbin is an Integrative Yoga Therapist in training from the Kripalu School of Integrative Yoga Therapy and a globally certified Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher based in China.  She conducts lectures, private and group asana and consultations on Yoga & Integrative Yoga Therapy in person and online. She works with menstrual disorders and with female health and wellbeing. Book an online yoga session with her.