Yoga Avec Moi

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249/365 The Oneness of All Spiritual Life

The Oneness of All Spiritual Life guided meditation has been especially created to commemorate the Bicentennial Birth of The Báb. The meditation technique it uses primarily focuses on visualization, otherwise known as awareness based meditation.

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249/365 The Oneness of All Spiritual Life Gabriella F Buttarazzi

Meditation was Inspired By the Follow Baha’i Writings

“GOD sends Prophets for the education of the people and the progress of mankind. Each such Manifestation of God has raised humanity. They serve the whole world by the bounty of God. The sure proof that they are the Manifestations of God is in the education and progress of the people. The Jews were in the lowest condition of ignorance, and captives under Pharaoh when Moses appeared and raised them to a high state of civilization. Thus was the reign of Solomon brought about and science and art were made known to mankind. Even Greek philosophers became students of Solomon’s teaching. Thus was Moses proved to be a Prophet.

After the lapse of time the Israelites deteriorated, and became subject to the Romans and the Greeks. Then the brilliant Star of Jesus rose from the horizon upon the Israelites, brightening the world, until all sects and creeds and nations were taught the beauty of unity. There cannot be any better proof than this that Jesus was the Word of God.

So it was with the Arabian nations who, being uncivilized, were oppressed by the Persian and Greek governments. When the Light of Muḥammad shone forth all Arabia was brightened. These oppressed and degraded peoples became enlightened and cultured; so much so, indeed, that other nations imbibed Arabian civilization from Arabia. This was the proof of Muḥammad’s divine mission.

All the teaching of the Prophets is one; one faith; one Divine light shining throughout the world. Now, under the banner of the oneness of humanity all people of all creeds should turn away from prejudice and become friends and believers in all the Prophets. As Christians believe in Moses, so the Jews should believe in Jesus. As the Muḥammadans believe in Christ and Moses, so likewise the Jews and the Christians should believe in Muḥammad. Then all disputes would disappear, all then would be united. Bahá’u’lláh came for this purpose. He has made the three religions one. He has uplifted the standard of the oneness of faith and the honour of humanity in the centre of the world. Today we must gather round it, and try with heart and soul to bring about the union of mankind.”

A Message from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Written for The Christian Commonwealth and published September 29th, 1911.

Artist credit: Ania Telfer (instagram: @aniatelfer) click on photo to link to her personal website

“Pupil of the Eye”/ 30x30”/ mixed media on canvas/ 2020

Additional Quotes on the Baha’i Writings About The Oneness of Humanity

Among those to whom Bahá’u’lláh wrote… He sent messages to the other kings and crowned heads of the earth, summoning all of them to love, equity, international peace and the oneness of humanity in order that mankind might become unified and agreed; that strife, warfare and sedition should pass away; that bitterness and enmity might cease and all arise to serve the one God.” - ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá - (The Promulgation of Universal Peace)

“We trust that in a time to come the slumberers will waken, and the heedless will be made aware, and the excluded will become initiates in the mysteries. Now must the friends work on with heart and soul and put forth a mighty effort, until the ramparts of dissension are toppled down and the glories of the oneness of humanity lead all to unity.

Today the one overriding need is unity and harmony among the beloved of the Lord, for they should have among them but one heart and soul and should, so far as in them lieth, unitedly withstand the hostility of all the peoples of the world; they must bring to an end the benighted prejudices of all nations and religions and must make known to every member of the human race that all are the leaves of one branch, the fruits of one bough.

Until such time, however, as the friends establish perfect unity among themselves, how can they summon others to harmony and peace?” - ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá (The Promulgation of Universal Peace)

“God is great! God is kind! He does not behold human shortcomings; He does not regard human weaknesses. Man is a creature of His mercy, and to His mercy He summons all. Why then should we despise or detest His creatures because this one is a Jew, another a Buddhist or Zoroastrian and so on? This is ignorance, for the oneness of humanity as servants of God is an assured and certain fact.

Bahá’u’lláh has proclaimed the promise of the oneness of humanity. Therefore, we must exercise the utmost love toward each other. We must be loving to all the people of the world. We must not consider any people the people of Satan, but know and recognize all as the servants of the one God. At most it is this: Some do not know; they must be guided and trained. They must be taught to love their fellow creatures and be encouraged in the acquisition of virtues. Some are ignorant; they must be informed. Some are as children, undeveloped; they must be helped to reach maturity. Some are ailing, their moral condition is unhealthy; they must be treated until their morals are purified. But the sick man is not to be hated because he is sick, the child must not be shunned because he is a child, the ignorant one is not to be despised because he lacks knowledge. They must all be treated, educated, trained and assisted in love. Everything must be done in order that humanity may live under the shadow of God in the utmost security, enjoying happiness in its highest degree.” - ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá (The Promulgation of Universal Peace)

Audio Recordings of the BMP Meditations

Each voice recorder (and all other contributions) of the Bicentenary Meditation Project have contributed their individual time and energy free of charge, without whom this entire community-led project would not have been possible or come to life. It is truly the result of the colossal global effort of individuals who have contributed to the commemoration of the Bicentenary Birth of the Bab with a joyful, willing and radiant heart - which also happened to be the only prerequisite of submitting to the Bicentenary Meditation Project!

As soon as we received the meditations, which included contributions from all around the world, from individuals with different skillsets, spoken language, age groups, professions, technological capacities, accessibility to internet etc, we would send all the received audio meditations of varied qualities to our Sound Engineers Jarome Mathew and Fei Hou (侯非) to create a cohesive experience for the listener, which was truly a labour of love worth mentioning in itself!

Click on the live link for the full Project Contributors List, which includes the full contributions & categories of each unique contributor - for those who granted us permission to include their names.

Meditation Script

The Bicentenary Meditation Project is a community karma-yoga (service/free oriented) celebratory project and resource bank, which provides free meditations and their corresponding meditation-scripts based off of the Sacred Writings and Teachings of The Bab & Baha’u’llah for world-wide dissemination and use.

The purpose of the meditations are used primarily to draw a closer spiritual connection through the Manifestations of God to God.

One of the primary principles that The Bab & Baha’u’llah proclaimed is the Oneness of Humanity and how interrelated we are.

As host and coordinator of the project, Yoga Avec Moi would like to kindly request for those who will be downloading the meditations scripts, to used them in circumstances with the utmost dignity, reverence and respect for the Sacred Teachings and Personage of The Bab & Baha’u’llah.

You have permission to use them in devotionals, prayer gatherings, children’s virtues classes, junior youth animator gatherings, meditation classes & retreats, Hatha, Yin, Vinyasa yoga classes and retreats.

If you would like to use them in contexts that have not been mentioned above, please drop us a line at to say hi and to double check if in doubt that it would be appropriate.

This is primarily run on an honorary role basis, we have deep love in serving and providing for humanities spiritual needs, we ask that in return you respect our wishes to hold the Personages and Sacred Teachings of The Bab & Baha’u’llah with reverence and utmost dignity .

DOWNLOAD The Oneness of All Spiritual Life Meditation Script

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3. Photography (nature or Holy sites for meditation cover art)

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